Weekly Digest, December, Week 2
December 10

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders!

💡 Without any further hesitations, let’s jump to the weekly digest and news of the outgoing week (though there were not so many of them).

👾 This week we decided to test Commanders’ cognitive abilities by creating special galactic puzzles named rebuses. What do you think, are you able to put your head together and solve these weird combinations?

🤓 A couple of days ago we published a special issue of the Development News. Within this publication, a postponement of the first full-scale clan war to February 2022 was announced. I hope you are not too upset with it because a demo version of the Clan Wars will be issued, where you will be able to test your strength against enemy fleets! And don’t worry – we will tell you some more details regarding this improvised test launch in further publications.

💬 Commanders! Another week of December just faded away. And you know what? Not only Earth’s, but intergalactic Christmas holidays are coming as well. I sincerely hope that you are still inspired by our SA Days. But I guess that you are also waiting for something grandiose this month as well. What are you expecting from Space Arena Christmas and New Year celebrations in our community? And what kind of contests are you interested in?

We won’t reveal too many details at the moment, but we already decided on the prizes. Believe me, that’s something WE HAVE NEVER gifted before! What do you think we have prepared for you? Looking forward to hearing thoughts and various conspiracy theories from all of you 👀

And see you at the Arena, Commanders!

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