July Commander’s Digest
August 03

👨‍🚀 Here’s the digest of Arena and Commanders’ community news for July. Lots of happened this time!

🗯 The HQ released 3.16 version. In this update, we added the new Universe Challenge event and three clan bosses, made visual changes, reintroduced the ability to skip opponents by watching ads in ranked matches, added post-battle statistics in case of defeat, and more. Full changelog can be found here.

🗯 Speaking of the Universe Challenge, Commanders are tasked with completing various challenges. This time, they need to conduct ranked battles. Each challenge has levels of difficulty, which are displayed in the mode menu and expressed numerically: the more ranked battles Commanders participate in, the greater the final reward. At the end of the event, all rewards for the total progress will be summed up and sent to Commanders’ mail. The progress of the challenge is updated daily. If Commanders complete the special community challenge, they will receive an extra reward. Details on it will be shared later.

🗯 Commanders participated in a Discord community event where they tested their skills and knowledge. They had to complete challenges set by the senior Arena instructor, Lucas. Some challenges even gave experienced Commanders a hard time.

🗯 The HQ and the moderators held the Discord Space Bazaar, where Commanders could exchange activity points for resources. Five lots were raffled, featuring Credits, chips, Success Units, Phantoms, Omicrons, Iotas, and blueprints. Each lot came with a bonus – a ship skin.

🗯 We held a giveaway for the new Steampunk skin on Achilles. There will be three winners. You still have time to participate in the #contests channel.

🗯 The HQ is working on a new module. This module features an entirely new mechanic that hasn’t been seen in the Arena before. The first screenshot was posted before in the #sneek-peek channel.

🗯 Some Commanders who struggled with their ship builds shared their builds, seeking engineering advice from experienced Commanders. This time, we published a build for PhantomMk2 in the #⁠entertainment channel.

🗯 Clan members shared the achievements of their clanmates from the past season in the #⁠clans-flex channel within the “Monthly Respect” segment.

🗯 The HQ conducted an On Duty intergalactic drill-contest. Commanders received their Celestium and Omicrons.

🗯 A big giveaway was held with 50 winners. Among the prizes was the new Steampunk skin for Achilles.

🗯 Deathbringer made a return to the Arena as a trial ship. Commanders could buy the offer, try out this machine, and receive 1,000 Celestium, 100 chips, and 1,000,000 Credits with a ready-to-go build.

🗯 The HQ specialists updated the Fleet Arena guide and released the 15th episode of SpaceMyths segment.

🗯 The HQ raffled off Galaxy Coordinates among Commanders. The winners received 1 Omicron, 1 Phantom, 2 Iota, 2 Kappa and 4 Zeta. There were 15 winners in total.

🗯 Commanders shared the maximum damage they dealt to bosses last season and which modules they are currently upgrading. In response, the HQ reported how many clans currently have a maximum sixth clan level.

🗯 TOP players and Arena veterans shared advice on whether it’s worth buying Wanderer if you don’t have EL-K in the hangar.

🗯 Commanders had the opportunity to try out the trial ships Phoenix and Kite.

🗯 The HQ started sharing data on the maximum upgrade parameters of modules. Data was published on fully upgraded modules: War Shield, Capital Cannon, and Medium Reactive Armor.

🗯 Commanders tested their knowledge on the Galactic Carrier Kronos and ships with the Penetrating Damage from Ballistic modules parameter.

🗯 We held Anomalies with different ships and modifiers. Some Commanders received rewards for their ship designs:

  • me me breadnoughtttt – 300 Celestium
  • EnderRobo – 100 Celestium
  • 〔R•S〕SpaceFrog – 100 Celestium
  • Rianna – 100 Celestium

🗯 The HQ published the results of the July Season of Clan Wars and battles with Clan Bosses, as well as the results of the Arena ranking season.

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68700cookie-checkJuly Commander’s Digest