GREAT UPDATE! New ships‼️ New modules‼️ Meet Space Arena 2.5🚀:
December 16

2 new ships: Type K4-8U70 (Fighter) and Oblivion Ark (Galactic carrier).

  1. yes, these are the same 2 ships for which we created suitable names together;
  2. they belong to the category of Special Ships. So you can get such newcomers for the blueprints;
  3. except for reviews on the upgraded parameters for these ships in the next posts.

 2 new armor modules: Plasma Armor and Ballistic Armor.

  1. Hurray! By the popular demand of players, the choice of armor is gradually increasing!
  2. two newcomers, one of which perfectly protects against penetrating damage, and the other effectively resist ballistic weapons.
    New game store:

  1. improved and more intuitive interface;
  2. added the long-awaited opportunity to of buy ship blueprints for the credits;
  3. players can buy some galaxies for Celestium.
    3 new types of galaxies:

  1. Beta, Delta, and Theta, from which ship blueprints and other awards are randomly dropped;
  2. such galaxies can be bought for Celestium in the game store;
  3. exploration of such galaxies does not require reactor energy.

And these are the largest changes in the game. Also redesigned animation of the interface in the game. Now you can set the desired number of FPS (30/60/120).

We are waiting for your questions about the hew update under this post. So feel free to write your questions.

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