May the Force be with you!
May 04

👨‍🚀 Today all Commanders celebrate something!

The power of each Commander awakens over time. Some have already achieved what they wanted and simply roam the expanses of space for fun and communication with other Commanders. And someone is still on the path to success.

🌌 There are no Jedi with special Force on the Arena, that’s true. Instead, each Commander possesses this very Force from the very beginning of their gladiator and engineer path. Everyone sees the Force in something of their own. Intelligence, creativity, unity. The Force is in everything. The Force is in everyone.

The HQ congratulates every Commander, every inhabitant of distant galaxies on the holiday! And, of course, the main question. Which side of the Force will you join?

Anyway, may the Force be with you!

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50180cookie-checkMay the Force be with you!