Weekly Digest, 11/20/2023
November 20

👨‍🚀 The HQ enjoys preparing the digest of the past week. And no, we were not forced to say that.

🌌 Let’s start with community events. Kielle nailed the last mission. And the third mission is already completed by TAKO. Soon we’ll see how your decisions influenced the mission outcome and why, in the end, the criminal Rick Sanchez decided to join the most bloodthirsty race in intergalactic space.

👽 Creativity is good. Commander’s creativity is doubly cool. This week, we observed how wars are going on among the top 10 clans and enjoyed some memes.

💡 Commanders had the opportunity to stock up on Galaxies before the upcoming Grind Time event. We’re talking about the offer of 10 Iota Galaxies for 9,99 dollars. Or maybe you’ve already had the chance to open some Galaxies? In any case, Galaxy Coordinates will still be needed.

▪ BNCW episodes have become more informative. Now we share the successes of individual Commanders who defend their ships and attack the enemy fleet. How do you like the recent BNCW episodes with this innovation?

👨‍💻 It’s been a while since we had Trivia. And here it is, we’re rolling out Trivia on the math calculations. Be honest, could you guess it right?

👾 The mysterious contest also suddenly started and, just as suddenly, ended. Let’s congratulate once again Commander ༺ ༻. He managed to correctly determine the cost of the new galactic carrier. Intuition or luck?

🚀 The HQ is back in action. Commanders competed against each other in Anomalies on specially provided ships. As before, we revealed them in advance. Tomorrow we’ll start summing up the Discord event with predictions of your placement in the Anomalies.

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