Weekly Digest, 10/25/2023
October 25

👨‍🚀 Commanders typically spend an average of 3 minutes reading our Weekly Digests. During this time, the Arena engineers repair Corvettes. Those were the interesting facts; now, let’s move on to last week’s Arena events.

⚙ The week began with unexpected news regarding the Arena’s plans to change the Limit Breaking system. In future game versions, there will be the possibility to use multiple Limit Breakers during parameter’s limit-breaking process without a change in the LB cost.

👽 Feel free to express your gratitude to the Commander who guard the cheerful mood and supply us with memes and other content. I am talking about Commander The_German. Carefully he’s a Hero of the last week.

🚀 Let’s be honest. Each trial ship is not just unique in its essence; they have both advantages and disadvantages. Do you know the main drawback of the latest trial ship Chrysaora? They’re only available for 80 battles! Of course, experienced Commanders noticed something else as well. We hope Chrysaora didn’t disappoint you in battle.

▪ Remember which clans won the last clan war on October 19th? You don’t need to know this by heart. It’s a good thing we have BNCW episodes. Here are all the clans-winners: Dominus, TheFinalFrontier, Czech_Republic, Unity, AofA, Anomaly, WARP, GROM, Гравицапа, ShipFaced. By the way, new BNCW episode is already published!

💡 Commanders had the opportunity to stock up on Iota Galaxy of the maximum league at a modest cost. Filled galaxy slots will undoubtedly help you earn additional points in the next Grind Time.

🔬 According to the poll about the potential new community event, it seems you’re ready to take part. You can check ⁠hq-management to see what kind of event to expect.

🌌 The results of the Anomalies prediction event have already been summed up, and the rewards have been sent out. Mission accomplished!

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