Weekly Digest, 10/02/2023
October 02

👨‍🚀 Commanders, we’re from the future. In the future, you will read this Weekly Digest and be pleased. While it might be a joke, the Digest is genuinely interesting.

👾 The HQ has announced the results of the Three Doors contest and has sent all rewards to the winners. 300,000 Credits are never too much on the Arena, that’s for sure. There are many more contests ahead, so stay tuned for updates!

▪ We are already preparing a BNCW episode of the latest clan war. For now, let’s remember the winners of the previous war: TheFinalFrontier, YourFace, Dominus, KCCO, КосмоФлот, Crashers, Blackhole, Shadowreavers, Anomaly.

👨‍💻 Many Commanders have probably played and continue to play in the Fleet Arena. It’s not always clear which ships are best to use, what rewards can drop, and how opponents are selected in general. For these purposes, HQ has prepared a guide on the Fleet Arena. Share it with your friends and clanmates and become better Commanders.

💡 Did you know that you can suggest your ship for the upcoming Anomalies on ⁠ship-suggestions and receive Celestium? Well, now you know!

🌌 As usual, HQ has announced the ships for the Anomalies and has started a special prediction contest for your final place in the event. Each Commander will receive a prize regardless of how their final place in the event compares to their prediction!

👽 This week, HQ received creative works from Commander mace975 aka Average Cent Enjoyer.

⚠ ANOMALY IN THE DIGEST! Some Commanders are entitled to rewards for the ships in the recent Anomalies. These are the Commanders who provided HQ with the ships you were able to play with over the weekend: MelodyMonNyaMW., .tbd, 〔R●S〕SpaceFrog, Rianna. They created some cool ship designs, no doubt! Each of these Commanders will receive 300 Celestium on their account once they’ll provide their IDs in the direct messages to our Discord community manager.

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