Weekly Digest, 08/22/2023
August 22

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders! Let’s talk about the events of the past week. Yep, you got that right. Weekly Digest time.

👽 The monotonous gray weekdays on the Arena can be brightened up by only a few things. Among them are buying a new ship, clashes between clans, and a review of the artworks made by Commanders. Let’s focus on the last one. This time, Commanders ehehe3195, mikazuki, dragof1sh, mace975 shared their works.

▪ The latest BNCW episode is always intriguing: the results of these battles can significantly impact the clans leaderboard. However, this time the HQ’s predictions almost matched the final results. What about your predictions?

💡 Following the BNCW episode, the HQ summed up the entire season of clan wars. Let’s remind you of the leaders of the previous season: Blackhole, TheFinalFrontier, YourFace.

👾 In the span of three days, the HQ hold the long-awaited Space Swap Meet on our Discord server. This community event allows each Commander to exchange resources with other Commanders. Trades were executed, data was collected and published. The Space Swap Meet was a great success!

🚀 The HQ didn’t forget about the Anomalies. Commanders were given a sneak peek of ships designed by our fellow Commanders. This time, the design of ships created by Commanders oranbos, meggarox, and sfs_lol was featured. How could we leave these Commanders without their deserved rewards? Each received 200 Celestium! To Commander oranbos, the HQ is granting 400 Celestium for designing and using two ship designs, respectively.

👨‍💻 Alongside the insider information about the ships, the HQ launched the traditional special Anomalies Discord event. Commanders predicted their final ranking in the Anomalies. We have almost summed up the results of the event. Don’t forget to share a screenshot of the in-game mail. This way, the HQ can calculate and award the prize.

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