Weekly Digest, 07/18/2023
July 18

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders!

💡 The HQ staff has finally completed the inspection of all their ships. During the procedure, we found a dwarf space pirate in the cargo hold of the Centurion. What should we do with them, Commanders? Help us decide their fate. Meanwhile, we will tell you what happened last week in the Commanders’ community.

👨‍💻 It’s hard to believe that almost a whole week has passed since we worked on the Glossy Shiny Armor, Glossy Shiny Armor bar, Doomsday Laser, and Arsenal Wall, as well as the special ships WingMk2, Sparrow Mk2, MiranMk2, and EL-K Mk2. Did you feel the changes, Commanders?

▪ As another war comes to an end, let us remind you of the winners from the last BNCW issue. Here they are: TFF, Dominus, КосмоФлот, KCCO, ShipFaced, Pain&Gain, Xaoc the main squad, BurnToDeft.

👾 Well, the results of the Lucky Spin have been announced, and all rewards have been distributed! Now, let’s share some statistics. A total of 222 Commanders participated in the win-win lottery. Excellent number!

🚀 It’s official now. Celestium has been sent to all participants of the Anomalies Discord special Challenge.

🌌 And how can we not mention MasterTog’s livestream? Don’t worry, it wasn’t a rebellion against the HQ, as some might have thought. The Commander simply took the Death Star and other classified ships from the HQ’s hangars. With the notes of access codes, inside the ships. Hmm.. It turned out to be a strange affair. However, in the end, Commanders were able to have a good time and offer interesting builds for colossal ships.

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