Weekly Digest, 07/11/2023
July 18

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders!

💡 Our galactic calendar has notified the HQ that it’s time to publish the digest for the past week. And who are we to argue with the system? Especially since someone has implemented a feature in the calendar that blocks the HQ’s exit in case of repeated deadline missings. So let’s get started!

▪ BNCW issues. They are wonderful, aren’t they? Clans learn about the results of battles among the top 10 clans and analyze their successes and failures. And here are the winners of the BNCW issue for 07/07: TheFinalFrontier, Koreans, Dominus, Pain&Gain, КосмоФлот, КССО, BurnToDeft, Yamato.

⚙ How do you like the ships from the latest Anomalies? The sizes are impressive, to say the least. It may be quite challenging to construct builds for them, but it’s worth it.

👾 Have you had a chance to spin the Wheel of Fortune? No? Hurry up and head to the post’s comments:

🚀 Along with the ship announcements, the HQ has started a special Anomalies Challenge. Commanders were able to predict their final place in the event before it started. We are already preparing the results’ post.

Well, Commanders! Even though we are discussing events from the past week, you have probably seen the latest news regarding the adjusted parameters of special ships and some modules. The ship parameters and values have already been updated in the game. The modules will be updated soon as well. For now, we invite you to share your impressions about this update. Have you had a chance to test the ships with the revised parameters? One of the HQ employee (guess who) has managed to play a few matches with rocket builds using Wing and Oblivion Ark. He is more than satisfied.

See you at the Arena, Commanders!

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