Still don’t understand how penetration damage works, commanders? Read the description of the mechanics below.
- if the module has a parameter “Penetrating Damage”, part of the damage is applied to the first and next layers of the enemy ship’s modules in the direction of the shot;
- damage to the next module is determined by the value of the parameters “Penetrating Damage” and “Armor”;
- the greater the value of the parameter “Armor” for the following modules, the less damage the weapon will inflict on the next modules of the enemy ship. The same thing happens in case of contact with plasma armor;
- there are no restrictions on the number of modules taking penetrating damage: all modules in the direction of the shot will take damage until the value of penetrating damage reaches 0.
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81830cookie-checkStill don’t understand how penetration damage works, commanders? Read the description of the mechanics below.