👨🚀 Greetings, Commanders!
💡 The Team continues the “SpaceMyths” segment, where we fact-check popular myths among players.
Have some myths to check? Please send them to community managers!
This time we decided to check the myth regarding the Gaussian War Shotgun function features.
Here are the Myth conditions:
❓ Will the GWS volley direction change if the enemy ship is located next to the left/right corner of the GWS fire cone?
We have made a special Phantom Mk2 build designed for the longest possible battle time to check this myth. It is also worth mentioning that the basic Gaussian War Shotgun module version was used (w/o any upgrades).

Build is ready for action!

Here you can see the fire cone of the basic Gaussian War Shotgun module version
This time we decided to conduct several battles in Ships Battles mode to maintain the balance.
What have we got? Gaussian War Shotgun (as well as turrets) has its own fire cone. That means it is possible that the module can turn its weapons towards the enemy ship during the battle. At the same time, the bullets’ volley direction may change depending on the current location of the enemy ship. The distance between the bullets during the shots changes each time slightly tho.

Here you can see how the Gaussian War Shotgun weapons turn to the left side during the battle
It is also important to note that the Gaussian War Shotgun rotation continues even while firing. So, the bullets’ volley direction also changes right during the shot.

Here you can see various bullets’ volley directions during the same blast

Another proof. So, the enemy ship just teleported…

… and our Ship flew the distance required to make a shot. At the same time, Gaussian War Shotgun turned its weapons and made a shot. You can see that the enemy ship was rather slid to the left corner of the fire cone. Hence the pertinent bullets’ direction was slid to the left as well.

The next proof. Here, you can see that the enemy ship is slid to the Gaussian War shotgun fire cone’s left corner. The player’s Ship and the module turned around. As a result, the bullets’ volley direction was changed.

The final proof from another battle perfectly displays that the direction of the Gaussian War Shotgun bullets volley can vary depending on the enemy ship’s location within the module’s fire cone.
So from here, we can make the following conclusions: the Gaussian War Shotgun can turn its weapons during the battle. The angle of possible rotation of the weapons will depend on the “Fire Cone” parameter value (in our case, it equaled 70 degrees). Thus, the direction of the GWS bullets volley may vary depending on the enemy ship’s location within the module’s fire cone. So, bullets can fire only within the GWS fire cone parameter value. However, the direction of their flight can change depending on how the module’s weapons are turned. Let us give you another example of what we are talking about.

Here you can see the direction of the GWS bullets volley in case the enemy ship is located right next to our Ship and GWS module

And here you can see the direction of the GWS bullets volley in case the enemy ship is slid to the left side compared to our ship and GWS module
✅ Myth is confirmed!
💬 That is all for today, Commanders! What kind of myths would you like to see the next time? You can suggest your ideas in our Discord server!