Space Brainstorm Event Results!
July 26

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders!

Exactly two weeks have passed since the Space Brainstorm event announcement. We recall: every Commander had an opportunity to provide helpful tips or some wittily original phrases in the spirit of the Space Arena universe (or both) and obtain a reward. We received so many tips and phrases in our galactic mail that we had to contact the HQ Awareness Raising Activities (HQ ARA) department for help. And you know what? Don’t even ask us what they’re doing inside the HQ. We don’t understand their job at all…

Nevertheless, it’s official now. Space Brainstorm event is over! All Commanders who sent their tips and phrases will get 15 Auction Points to their Macanski Bot accounts. Make sure you’ve created one! Check our Discord community to see the full list of winners. 

💬 Commanders! These two weeks of Space Brainstorm can rightfully be considered busy days indeed. We are sure that all tips will come in handy for those Commanders who are just on their way to success. And that’s all that matters!

We wish you luck in the next community events, Commanders! And see you all at the Arena!

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