Something unexpected😮 from the regions of the Universe unknown to us aboard the most mysterious ship 🚀Khonarl was delivered.
November 27

👉A lot of the coordinates of the rarest galaxies + an increased chance of rare rewards being awaited in class battles, commanders!

Take part in class battles from 📆November 27 to December 6 and receive the rarest galaxy data as rewards for victories.

Blueprints for rare special ships, overlocking chips and boosters are the rarest rewards🏆 from the farthest corners of the Universe from the most mysterious alien of Space Arena.

Hurry to get them the most according to the results of 9 days of class battles!

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6630cookie-checkSomething unexpected😮 from the regions of the Universe unknown to us aboard the most mysterious ship 🚀Khonarl was delivered.