Sneakpeak: Anomalies changes
June 06

👨‍🚀 Commanders! The HQ has gathered your feedback and suggestions regarding Anomalies. Starting with tomorrow’s event, we will see the updated Anomalies. Here is the list of changes.

🗯 It has been noted that Commanders are not always ready to complete all battles for rewards. We have reduced the number of battles for the two days of Anomalies from 120 to 100 battles. From now on, 15 free battles, 15 battles for watching ads, and 20 battles for Credits are available.

🗯 The HQ has focused significantly on the event shop.

  • The cost of blueprints for Wing, Kabuto, Sparrow, and Miran has been reduced from 150 to 100 points. The cost of Iota Galaxy Coordinate has been reduced from 500 to 300 points.
  • The lot with Khonarl blueprints has been reworked. Previously: 2 blueprints for 250 points. Now: 3 blueprints for 150 points.
  • Now, a Limit Breaker is available every week. Iota and Boss Key, as well as blueprints for Kronos and Achilles, rotate twice a month. Chips can be purchased twice a day, 150 pieces at a time.
  • The lots with blueprints for Charger, Arbiter, Wraith, and Duke have been removed. Lots with Phantom and Zeta Galaxy Coordinates, Credits Cost Reduction Unit lvl.4, and 60% Success Unit have been removed.
  • Commanders can also watch ads for extra event points up to 5 times, earning 15 points each time. Commanders can earn a total of 75 points.

🗯 As we know, every second counts in Anomalies. We have reduced the cooldown time for viewing all ads for rewards to 30 seconds. Thank you for your feedback, Commanders! We’ll keep studying your thoughts on our Discord server.

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