Ships for the upcoming Anomalies! 07/18/2024
July 18

👨‍🚀 And here are the ships for the upcoming Anomalies. Like the previous times, these were designed by our Commanders as well. They will get their reward within the Monthly Digest. Submit your ships for Anomalies on our Discord server.

🗯️ Day 1. There is always a choice. All modules are available. Range of all Modules -10%, Shields Strength +33%, Repair Bay Regen Speed -75%.

Screenshot №1. Orb. The creator – Commander

🗯️ Day 2. Fire from all sides. Turrets and Small Laser modules are available only. Turning speed of Engines -66%, Health of Armor modules +100%, Damage of Laser Modules +50%.

Screenshots №2 and №3. Ritarious and three Arrow support ships. The creator – Commander

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