Ships for the upcoming Anomalies! 06/13/2024
June 14

👨‍🚀 And here are the ships for the upcoming Anomalies. Like the previous times, these were designed by our Commanders as well.

🗯️ Day 1. Divine regeneration. All missile weapons were removed. Modifiers: Armor of all Modules -50%, Repair Bay Regeneration speed +233%, Health of all Modules -33%.

Screenshots No. 1 and 2. Nightgale and five support ships. The creator – Commander EnderRobo

🗯️ Day 2. Multifunctional armor. Meta modules were removed. Other modules are available with 40/40 upgrades. Modifiers: Power Generation of Armor Modules +500%, Power Generation of Reactors -75%, Repair Bay Regeneration speed -50%.

Screenshots No. 3 and No. 4. Entreprise and six support ships. The creator – Commander Major Konstantinovich Zhukov

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