Ships for the upcoming Anomalies! 06/06/2024
June 06

👨‍🚀 And here are the ships for the upcoming Anomalies. All mentioned ships will be available with modifications at the start of the event.

🗯️ Day 1. Energy is at my expense. Only medium-size modules were left with 40/40 upgrades. Class: Cruiser. Modifiers: Power Use of all Modules -50%, Power Generation of all Modules +200%, Turning power of all Engines +100%

Screenshot No. 1 EL-K Mk2.

🗯️ Day 2. Put up shields. All laser weapons were removed. Class: Galactic Carrier. Modifiers: Shields Strength +100%, Shields Regeneration +100%, Power Use of all Modules -66%.

Screenshots No. 2 and No. 3. Cutlass and its four support ships.

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