Ships for the upcoming Anomalies! 04/25/2024
April 25

👨‍🚀 And here are the ships for the upcoming Anomalies. This time we’ll be dealing with cosmic eggs. EGGcelent fights are upcoming!

🗯 Day 1. Defense mode. Frigate class. All modules are available. Health of all Modules +20%, Range of all Modules +25%, Reflect of all Modules +10%.

Screenshot №1. EGGO-O1.

🗯 Day 2. Expensive pleasure. Galactic Carrier class. All modules are available with 40/40 upgrades. Armor of all Modules -10%, Power Use of all Shields +33%, Reflect of all Modules -10%.

Screenshot №2. MEGG-O9 and its three EGGO-O1 support ships.

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