🥳 Another Universe Challenge event has begun!
🔻 What is this event?
Commanders are completing a global challenge. This challenge involves a single task for all Commanders. This time we need to contribute Credits to our clans. Each day, the progress is being calculated and updated it in the event’s in-game menu.
🔻 How are rewards calculated?
Each challenge has difficulty levels, expressed quantitatively. For each completed difficulty level, a reward is given. The rewards for the completed levels are summed up and sent to all Commanders via in-game mail after the event ends. An extra reward is sent if Commanders complete a special community challenge either in the VK and Telegram group or on the Discord server – 50 Celestium.
🔻 Where can you find information about the special community challenge?
The HQ publishes it every time the Universe Challenge event starts in the game. The task is the same for the VK and Telegram group and the Discord server. By completing the task, Commanders will receive an extra reward at the end of the event via in-game mail. The progress of the special community challenge is published once a week in the Telegram group and on the Discord server. The most active ones will get 300 Celestium.
It’s time to announce the special community challenge! Submit at least 70 ship builds to our socials.
You have time till the event finishes, till March 31.
Good luck, Commanders!