June Clan Wars and Clan Bosses Season results
June 25

👨‍🚀 The June Clan Wars and Clan Boss Battles Season has come to an end. The new season has already begun. The boss builds have been updated. All three Clan Bosses buffs remained the same. It’s time to look at the final results.

TheFinalFrontier clan has returned to the top spot again. Their wars against RussianGalaxy and BurnToDeft were especially intense. Clans are becoming stronger and faster. Beware, TFF…

YourFace improved their performance and climbed to the second position. Last season they finished in third place. They managed to defeat various clans: AofA, BurnToDeft, HYDE, GermanNight’Club, NeVeR, and Catz_n_Lionz. They have every chance to repeat their success in the July season!

▪ In third place is the main Xaoc roster. This clan once took the first place at the end of a season. Maybe this time they can do it again?

In total, 15 clans made it to the Masters League, just like last season.

  • TheFinalFrontier
  • YourFace
  • Main Xaoc roster
  • Dominus
  • AofA
  • КосмоФлот
  • BurnToDeft
  • GermanNight’Club
  • Blackhole
  • Koreans대한국인
  • Domination
  • RussianGalaxy
  • РуссичиАсгарда
  • HYDE

Now, let’s review the most memorable clan achievements. Each member of these clans is entitled to a reward from the HQ – 30 Like Coins and 30 Contribution Tokens. We will send it next week.

💡 The “Complete Destruction” Achievement goes to Руссич representatives. They won with a score of 24:0 in the war against the лють clan.

💡 The “Speedy Fleet” Achievement goes to RussianGalaxy. They won in 3 minutes and 18 seconds against [NEOW]NewEndOWld.

💡 The “Just to be Sure!” Achievement goes to Escape-Velocity – they carried out 42 successful attacks against HungaryArmada.

💡 The “Not very quick, but consistent” Achievement goes to Руссич – they completed their attacks in 18 minutes and 29 seconds against CzechSpaceArmy.

And here are the hero clans among the top 50 clans who destroyed all bosses, including the last one, Death Star, this season

  • TheFinalFrontier
  • YourFace
  • Main Xaoc roster
  • Dominus
  • AofA
  • КосмоФлот
  • BurnToDeft
  • GermanNight’Club
  • Blackhole
  • RussianGalaxy

The clans Koreans, Domination, and [FR]FRANCE were very close to defeating the last boss. In the upcoming season, they might succeed.

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67020cookie-checkJune Clan Wars and Clan Bosses Season results