Happy Holidays, Commanders!
December 25

🎆 Ho-ho-ho, Commanders!

There are hours left till Christmas, and it’s about “earth” and galactic timezone as well. On Christmas Eve, all Commanders seek to sort their things and finish the last Arena fights as soon as possible so they can gather together at the holiday table filled with delicious dishes.

🎄 Our dear Commanders! On behalf of the entire development team, we would like to wish you a merry Christmas. I hope during this day all of you properly combine Arena battles and degustation of the 12 traditional dishes. We wish you intense battles, awesome loot from the Galaxy Coordinates, a lot of chips, and Prophet blueprints as well. And, of course, let me personally wish you to spend this wonderful day with your beloved ones and, perhaps, visit the Space Arena together!

A merry Christmas to you, Commanders! Let your ship fire the first, and warp – the last!

Your humble Space Arena team.

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29510cookie-checkHappy Holidays, Commanders!