Epic Engineers Challenge Guide
👨🚀 Greetings, Commanders!
👨💻 As you know, there is one event in the game that every player encounters at least once. And the name of this event is Epic Engineers Challenge or simply, EEC. And today we have prepared a special guide for this event.
🚀 We present to your attention the “EEC Guide”!
👾 So, the event itself is a road of rewards (and opponents), consisting of 100 stages. The final reward of the event is a wonderful battleship-class ship Phantom MK.II. Basically, the event is aimed at new players, but it may be interesting for veterans as well. After all, only a limited number of ships can be used at each stage, which challenges veterans to remember, how to play using the small ships.
Let’s move on to the list of opponents and ships allowed at each stage.
Each row is presented in the following form:
Stage (battle number): (allowable ships/ship). Enemy: (name of the enemy ship).
Battles 1-3: Trial PSS Miran Mk II. Opponent: Valkyria;
Battles 4-6: PSS Miran Mk II, Wing Mk II, Scythe. Opponent: Scythe;
Battles 7-8: PSS Miran Mk II, Scythe, Rapier. Opponent: Rapier;
Battles 9-16: PSS Miran Mk II, Rapier, Arrow, Opponent: Arrow;
Battles 17-32: PSS Miran Mk II, Arrow, Hammerhead. Opponents: Arrow, PSS Sparrow Mk II;
Battles 33-35: Trial PSS EL-K Mk II. Opponent: Hammerhead;
Battles 36-40: PSS EL-K Mk II, PSS Miran Mk II, Hammerhead, Morningstar. Opponent: Hammerhead;
Battles 41-48: PSS EL-K Mk II, PSS Miran Mk II, Morningstar, Age Eagle. Opponent: Morningstar;
Battles 49-56: PSS EL-K Mk II, PSS Miran Mk II, Age Eagle, Starbridge. Opponent: Age Eagle;
Battle 57: Trial Prophet. Opponent: Starbridge; (easiest battle)
Battles 58-64: PSS EL-K Mk II, PSS Miran Mk II, Starbridge, Broadsword. Opponent: Starbridge;
Battles 65-72: PSS EL-K Mk II, PSS Miran Mk II, Broadsword, Javelin. Opponent: Broadsword;
Battle 73: Trial Phantom Mk II. Opponent: Javelin;
Battles 74-80: Destroyer Vega (you can take it for 3 trial battles now or later), PSS EL-K Mk II, Javelin, Wanderer. Opponent: Javelin;
Battles 81-82: Destroyer Vega, PSS EL-K Mk II, Wanderer, Hawk. Opponent: Wanderer;
Battle 83: Trial Phantom Mk II. Opponent: Wanderer;
Battles 84-88: Destroyer Vega, PSS EL-K Mk II, Wanderer, Hawk. Opponent: Wanderer;
Battles 89-96: Destroyer Vega, PSS EL-K Mk II, Hawk, Warrior. Opponent: Hawk;
Battles 97-98: Destroyer Vega, PSS EL-K Mk II, Warrior, Charger. Opponent: Warrior;
Battle 99: Trial Prophet. Opponent: Warrior;
Battle 100: Destroyer Vega, PSS EL-K Mk II, Warrior, Charger. Opponent: PSS Miran Mk II. (hardest battle, recommended weapon module: Vulcan Turret Mk II)
❗ We also must note that it is most convenient to complete this event with two ships in the hangar: PSS Miran Mk II and PSS EL-K Mk II. The first of is allowed to be used up to the 72nd battle, and the second can be used in the remaining battles of the event.
And that’s all we for now, until the next time at the Arena, Commanders!

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