Digest, January, Week 3
January 21

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders!

💡 It’s time for another traditional Digest! Let’s take a look at the events of the past week.

🚀 This week started with a little intellectual warm-up. It was proposed to look inside the Grand Reactor and feel like a real engineer in the field of energy.

🤓 On Wednesday, another issue of the Encyclopedia segment was presented. This time we talked about Power. We told you about the significance of this indicator, about the modules that produce energy, compared different types of reactors, and also talked in more detail about the impact of the power on the course of the battle. Several tactical tips were also provided on the proper use of energy deficit.

👽 The results of the recent contest for finding differences were summed up. Are you one of the lucky winners?

💬 Commanders! The Grind Time event, or rather, its updated version, came to an end this week. This time, points could have been obtained for a limited number of actions, but there were more points for each action and better rewards. Tell us, did you like the updated event? Or was the old format more to your liking?

We also invite everyone to show off their awards, for example, I have acquired a decent amount of Limit Breakers and a few brand new Success Units. I’d love to hear about your results!

And, as always, see you at the Arena, Commanders!

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30071cookie-checkDigest, January, Week 3