Digest, 11/25/2022
November 25

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders!

💡 Did you know that according to the info received by the HQ Analytical Sector, 35% of all cosmic road accidents happen when Commanders are piloting and using their devices? Well, we do hope you’re not on the way or doing some Arena battles! It’s about time to chill and read this digest.

👨‍💻 The HQ has published the 20th anniversary In Touch with Devs issue. Just imagine: during the long existence of this segment, the HQ managed to answer 119 questions! That’s quite a number if you ask me! We do hope that curious Commanders will continue to publish their questions and feedback in the appropriate channels.

🚀 The 3.8. update is finally available for all Commanders with no exceptions! New Achilles ship, the long-waited Anomalies event, and the Credits limit. All these things you can meet now. Hurry up and update the game if you didn’t do so!

👾 Black Friday has come! Turn on all Warp Drives, Commanders, and head to the shop! It is about time to replenish your hangar supplies.

💬 And that’s it for today, Commanders. The only thing I will say at the last. Get. Prepared. For. Anomalies!

And see you all at the Arena!

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