The Galactic HQ reporting once again. As always, on the same day, almost at the same time, we are happy to present you with our traditional digest! Let’s take a look together at the events of the past week.
This week started with traditional answers to your questions within the “In Touch With Devs” segment. This time, we collected and answered questions regarding the Anomalies event, Mass parameter features, Regen Speed parameter on shields, damage, and Trophies calculations.
We were happy to bring you some entertaining reading this time. The next issue of the traditional “Encyclopedia” was published this week. In this issue, we talked about Raven, the Tolmann Twins, and a bit about the legendary Orkaan. We are thinking to stop on the letter R for a while longer and tell you about the remarkable Revenant. What do you think about this?
The end of the week was marked by the end of our breathtaking community event “Pirate Legacy”. A fatal combination of circumstances meant that the Expeditionary Fleet was unable to achieve its goal. In the last battle with the pirates, both fleets destroyed each other. However, the former Supreme Commander managed to achieve the cherished spaceport and leave a mysterious message behind…
Well, the latest issue of our digest has come to an end. We hope it was interesting for you to read. While we are interested in a few questions: how do you like the last chapter of the “Pirate Legacy” and this event format? Would you like to see more events like this in the future, perhaps with even deeper roleplay?