Daily Deals data for the June-August period
August 20

HQ shares Daily Deals data for the June-August period.

🔻 Commanders are most likely to purchase the following Success Units (ranged by number of purchases):

  • 60% Success Unit
  • 70% Success Unit
  • 50% Success Unit
  • 40% Success Unit
  • 80% Success Unit

🔻 The most frequently purchased blueprints are:

  • Light Fighter blueprints
  • Achilles blueprints
  • Wing blueprints
  • Sparrow blueprints
  • Lightning blueprints

🔻 Speaking of chips. Commanders prefer to buy 100 and 50 chips respectively.

🔻 Regular Limit Breaker is taken ~2 times more often than Powerful Limit Breaker.

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69530cookie-checkDaily Deals data for the June-August period