Commanders! We need your help!
September 16

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders!

🚀 As you may have noticed, the latest game updates changes were made primarily to the in-game balance. As well as the parameters of some modules and ships have been reworked. Much of this was due to your suggestions and comments, which the team has been constantly considering. This is really important to our Galactic community, which we are building together.

This time, the team is particularly asking those Commanders who have already conquered the TOP-100 leaderboard and have extensive experience in Arena battles and builds-making under their belt to share your thought on what modules, do you think, within the current meta needs to be buffed or nerfed? It is really important for us to hear your opinion as leaders of the entire engineering community!

We invite you to take part in our small survey.

Each Commander who will give us the feedback will be able to affect the changes in the current Space Arena meta. Of course, we will be happy to hear suggestions from all other Commanders who also want to take part in the survey and decide the future of the Space Arena.

See you at the Arena, Commanders!

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24642cookie-checkCommanders! We need your help!