Greetings, Commanders!
You all remember the adventures of our Brave Commander, who during the last mission discovered the AI in the form of the white fuzzy cat and finally accomplished his mission (obviously, not without our help). You will concede the whole history turned out quite fascinating.
What if we will write the Commander’s story altogether? Each of you will be able to contribute and help in writing this kind of breathtaking tale about another Commander’s quest!
Commanders! It is time for our next contest, in which we will literally rewrite history!
How to participate in this contest?
It is enough to leave one or several messages below this publication. You may create your own thread or join the existing ones. It is important that the message would continue the storyline of the previous Commander. All messages that are not related to the contest will be deleted. Try to leave messages with more than 7 words to make a truly spectacular story!
How do we determine the winners?
In a week, on 22 December we will close the contest and publish the whole story along with the results. Who is gonna win:
1) Commander, whose message in the storyline would be the last.
2) Random commander of those whose threads left without messages.
3) Commander, whose thread was the longest one (only if Commanders made a coherent story).
We wish you the best of creativity and luck!