Clans: what is already available and what to expect?
November 18

👨‍🚀 Greetings, Commanders!

🚀 As you probably know, the long-awaited clans have recently been added to the game. Due to the closed and open beta tests, some players have already tried out the new feature by creating their first clan or joining the existing ones. And the iOS players got update 3.0 as well, but without beta.

💡 Our team decided to tell you about the clan mechanics that are already available in the game and will be added later.

From now on, any player who has reached level 15 will be able to create his own clan or join an existing one. When creating a clan, the player will be able to select several parameters, such as the clan name and icon, the type of clan, the required rating for joining, and the location of the clan (users of which region can join the clan). Each new clan starts from the first level, and at this level, the maximum number of clan members is ten. The higher the level of the clan – the more players can join it.


👾 What is available in clans now?


  1. Assignment of roles for clan members.

The clan Leader can assign all available roles in the game to members of his clan. This function is also available to the deputy leader, but his choice of roles is limited. Thus, the players participating in the clan have the opportunity to climb the career ladder.

Внутри клана могут быть как обычные участники, без какого-либо звания, так и офицеры, защитники, заместители и Лидер клана

Within the clan, there can be both regular members, without any rank along with officers, defenders, and the Leader of the clan

  1. Donations and requests for blueprints.

Clan members can donate blueprints of ships to each other and create a request for the blueprints. This request can be made only for those blueprints that the player has received at least once. If the player has never received certain blueprints, then he will not be able to request them.

В данном случае можно запросить 16 чертежей на Light Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Lightning и Wing

For example, you can request 16 drawings for Light Fighter, or Heavy Fighter, or Lightning, or Wing

A limited number of requests are available to a clan member per day. Also, each participant has the opportunity to reset the timer until the next request once a day using Celestium.

Конечно, можно подождать 6 часов для повторного запроса на чертежи. Но ведь можно потратить 100 Селестия и сразу же сделать запрос…

Of course, you can wait for 6 hours to re-request the blueprints. But you can spend 100 inits of Celestium and immediately make another request.

  1. Raising the clan level.

All players can invest resources and raise the level of their clan. For now, it is possible to raise the level by contributing Credits, Celestium, and regular chips.

Одно дело внести 90 000 Кредитов и получить каких-то 5 опыта и 6 очков клановой активности…

Via contributions, the clan gets a certain amount of experience towards a new clan level. In addition to gaining experience, the clan receives clan activity points and special clan credits that can be spent in the future in the clan store. The higher the clan level, the greater the maximum number of players who can join this clan.

  1. Getting rewards for purchases.

Each clan member can receive rewards for purchases made by other members in the store for real money. Clan members can receive such rewards once a day for the first purchase that was made by other clan members. The higher the purchase price, the more valuable the rewards will be for the participants.

Участник клана под ником CraftSpace сделал покупку, и всем другим участникам теперь доступна разовая награда — 3 Селестия, 5 чипов и один вычислительный блок

A clan member under the nickname CraftSpace made a purchase, and all other members now have access to a one-time reward – 3 Celestium, 5 chips, and one computing unit. As well as 10 clan points.

  1. Receiving rewards in the Clan Pass.

For each action in the clan, participants receive clan activity points, which go to the common pool. When a clan gains certain points and reaches a milestone, all participants have the opportunity to collect rewards for milestones reached by tapping on the Clan Pass screen. At the moment, there are 30 milestones and 30 rewards available for clan members in the Clan Pass.

For now, clan members can receive clan activity points for the following actions:

1) Contributing to the clan;

2) Donating blueprints to a clan member;

3) Collecting the purchase reward from another clan member.

Пора забирать награды!

Time to claim rewards!

  1. Communication of players in the clan chat.

Clan members of all ranks can exchange small messages in the clan chat. These messages are seen only by members of this clan.

Chat is displayed along with requests and rewards for purchases made


👾 What awaits us in future clan updates?


  1. Clan Wars.

Clan War – battles that take place between clans in three stages.

The first stage is the search for an opponent: a registered clan, with whom your clan will have to fight. Before that, the Clan Leader or Deputy Leader sends an application for participation in the clan war during the allotted time period.

The second stage is the preparation stage. Each clan puts 8 ships in the 8 slots of the defensive fleet.

The third and final stage is the battles stage. Each clan attacks the defensive fleet of the opposing clan. Before attacking, the participating player can select a ship and edit the build. All players can attack enemy ships during a clan battle regardless of clan role.

For each battle, the clan receives from 1 to 3 stars, which go to the war pool. The number of stars is determined by the damage that was inflicted on the enemy modules.

And we have a winner!

The clan that scores more stars than the other clans will be considered the winner. The clan receives trophies, the number of which will determine which clans this clan will compete with during the battle season. At the end of the battle season, the clan receives a reward, which depends on the sub-league of the battle season.

Близятся первые сражения…

First battles approach…

  1. Passive bonuses from the clan level.

Each clan will have passive bonuses that will affect the modules of the ships of all its members. Such bonuses will be tied to the clan level and they can be improved using clan currency. The higher the clan level, the more bonuses are available and the higher they can be pumped. However, those bonuses will be intact only during Clan Wars.

  1. Clan store.

Additionally, each clan member will receive an individual clan currency for the actions performed in the clan. This currency can be spent in the clan store, which will be similar to the existing Daily Deals store. The clan leader and his deputies will also be able to buy bonuses for the defensive fleet during the clan wars using the same clan currency.

💭 Commanders! Our team will be glad to hear your questions regarding the clan system! Ask them in our communities – and we will definitely answer them!

See you at the Arena!

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