Clan Boss Data, May Season 2024
May 06

👨‍🚀 Commanders! Half of Clan Wars and Bosses season is over. TheFinalFrontier has already defeated all four bosses. Let’s take a look at which of the top50 clans who are already fighting against the last Clan Boss, Death Star. HQ wishes them luck. This time we got plenty of new clans!

  • Blackhole
  • BurnToDeft
  • ShadowReavers
  • Руссич
  • AofA
  • Main Xaoc roster (Xaoc #1)
  • RussianGalaxy
  • YourFace
  • Dominus
  • КосмоФлот
  • Koreans
  • GermanNight’Club

And here are the clans from top100 who are attacking the third boss, Peacekeeper:

  • GROM
  • HYDE
  • Space_Pirates
  • NeVeR
  • Starbirds
  • Domination
  • TheLegends
  • Мародёры
  • Escape-Velocity
  • Golden_Orillions
  • Yamato[大和]_Japan
  • убивашки

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