Changes in Oblivion Ark
January 23

The HQ continues to rebalance some special galactic carriers. The last one – Oblivion Ark.

  • The Health of Ballistic Modules has been replaced with Health of Rocket Modules parameter. The stocked value of the parameter equals 13%, and the max value equals 53%.
  • The stocked and max values for the Shield Strength of Shield Modules parameter have been increased to 10% and 50%, up from 8% and 48% respectively. The progression for these parameters has also been adjusted.
  • The Power Use of All Modules unique ship bonus has been replaced with Damage from All Modules bonus. The stocked value of the bonus equals 3%, and the max value equals 11.4%.
  • Fourth Warrior support ship has been added.
  • Increased chance of getting the Oblivion Ark blueprint in case of victory in SC.

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