Awake your Force once again, Commanders
July 04

🌌 How about awakening your Force once again, Commanders?

We’ve added a special offer to the shop – 1000 Celestium, 100 chips, 1,000,000 Credits, and a special ship, Deathbringer, with 10 Interceptor support ships. This engineering marvel is available with a ready-to-go build for it.

The ship has a total of 1259 slots. The offer can be purchased five times for 100 battles and 3 days. The ship can be used in any game mode except Clan Wars, Clan Boss, and Fleet Arena. The offer is available until Saturday, July 6th, inclusive. The trial ship does not have a repair cooldown.

The ship comes with a unique bonus “Total Module Range” at +25%, and the following parameters and values:

  • Damage from Laser Modules +10%
  • Reflect of Armor Modules +3%
  • Power Use of Laser Modules -6%
  • Armor of Armor Modules +10%
  • Health of Armor Modules +10%

And may the Force be with you, Commanders!

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