Ships for the upcoming Anomalies event! 02/08/2024
February 08

🏴‍☠ Yarr, Commanders! HQ to report. The HQ has been captured by space pirates!

But fear not. It’s temporary thing. It turns out they are here with just one demand – to start pirate Anomalies once again!

You got that right. The HQ will repeat the September Anomalies, which were dedicated to Pirates Day.

Let’s take a look at the ships that will be available in the Anomalies, as well as the Anomalies modifiers. Commanders will have access to two pirate ships of the Corvette” and Cruiser classes: PSS Sparrow Mk.II and PSS EL-K Mk.II. Both ships will be available with modifications.

🗯 Day 1. Think of good defense. Armor of modules +66%, Shields Strength +66%, Reflection of Modules +10%. Some modules will be available with 40/40 upgraded parameters.

🗯 Day 2. Crash test. Reflection of Armor Modules +15%, Range of Modules +33%, Health of Modules +25%. Some modules will be available with 40/40 upgraded parameters.

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61970cookie-checkShips for the upcoming Anomalies event! 02/08/2024